“Golden blood” is so rare that you can pay for it with gold. Anyone can receive it as a transfusion and it can be a curse to the bearer.
Blood itself is a liquid of infinite value, because it means life to us. But the “golden” blood is so rare that it is considered the most valuable.
According to the data known so far, less than 50 people in the world have it.
Golden blood is also called Rh-null or Rh zero, which means that the blood does not have the Rh factor, one of its essential characteristics (right after AB0 blood groups) and is very important in transfusions, as well as during pregnancy.
We will not go into details, because the explanation is very long and quite complicated, so in short: Rhesus or the Rh factor is a name for certain types of proteins on the surface of erythrocytes, red blood cells, which can cause an immune reaction during transfusion or during pregnancy, if the blood of the donor and the blood of the mother and the fetus differ in this factor.
It got its name from the rhesus monkey, in which these proteins were first discovered.
The Rh blood group system generally recognizes two groups: positive (Rh+) and negative (Rh-), and since 1961, the Rh-null or Rh zero group without the Rhesus factor.
It was then that Rh zero blood was first discovered in an Australian aborigine.
The dark side of the golden blood
Although it is called gold, in a way it is also a curse to those who possess it. A person with this blood type cannot receive other blood than his own.
On the other hand, anyone can take their blood. In 2022, there were nine active golden blood donors in the world, according to medicalnet.
One of those people in the Balkan region is a Serbian woman, who with her blood has saved the life of the president of the World Football Federation, Gianni Infantino, another man with golden blood.
People with Rh zero blood type can also have certain problems.
Because their red blood cells do not have proteins on their surface that determine the Rh factor, their erythrocytes have different shapes, less elastic and more fragile.
Therefore, people with golden blood face moderate hemolytic anemia from birth. This is anemia resulting from faster destruction of red blood cells, which can cause low hemoglobin levels, paleness and fatigue.
With transfusions, serious problems can arise if a person with golden blood is given blood that has the Rh factor. Therefore, hospitals should have special protocols and a quick response for these patients.
Similar problems can occur during pregnancy if the mother has golden blood and the child does not. If the mother’s blood is sensitive to the baby’s blood, this blood can cause an immune response that can cause miscarriage and can also affect the possibility of another pregnancy.
Some studies have also shown that infection or sepsis in such people can cause extensive hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells), resulting in kidney failure and other complications.