The American animated series ‘The Simpsons’ has been known before for some predictions or coincidences that have been confirmed over the years, but now its fans suggest that it also predicted the current media drama with the missing submarine exploring the wreck of the Titanic.
After losing contact on Sunday morning, the OceanGate submarine that was exploring the Titanic wreck is missing with five people on board.
Multiple search groups are scrambling to find the modern underwater vehicle while the media is doing a ‘countdown’ of the oxygen reserves that may be on board for the crew.
In a rather suspicious coincidence, the Simpsons series aired an episode in 2006 with a subject quite similar to the current event.
In the series’ 17th season, the popular protagonist Homer Simpson embarks on a submarine adventure to discover a treasure ship, called the Piso Mojado, accompanied by the one who claims to be his newly discovered ‘biological father’.
He sets out to search for the wreck at the bottom of the ocean similar to the Titanic, as the millionaire father has also appeared on the missing OceanGate submarine.
The two fictional passengers of the film are quite similar to the real ones of the Titanic submarine, father and son Shahzada Dawood and Suleman Dawood.
Although Homer in the film manages to survive an accident that traps him at the bottom of the sea, the real-life pair of explorers and the three other men on board can only hope to meet the same fate.
The 2006 episode has resurfaced on social media amid memes and posts from skeptics as the episode has been viewed tens of thousands of times since this morning’s posts.
Referring to the series’ other foreshadowing and missing passengers, one user wrote on Twitter: “Father and son on the missing submarine, just like in the animated movie ‘mission.’ The Simpsons strike again.”
Another commented that the episode shows that the conspiracy theory that ‘we live in a pre-programmed world’ is true.
While a third disagreed: “They don’t predict anything, it’s just that they’ve done 800 episodes and they get lucky sometimes.”