Netflix was founded in 1997.
In 1997, Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph started Netflix as a DVD-by-mail service, offering customers the convenience of renting movies without leaving their homes.
The first Netflix subscription plan was introduced in 1999.
In 1999, Netflix launched its subscription model, allowing customers to pay a monthly fee for unlimited DVD rentals.
Netflix introduced streaming in 2007.
In a move that revolutionized the industry, Netflix introduced streaming, allowing subscribers to instantly watch movies and TV shows online, without the need for DVDs.
Netflix produced its first original content in 2012.
In 2012, Netflix made a bold move by producing its first original series, House of Cards, starring Kevin Spacey. This marked the beginning of Netflix’s venture to create its own high-quality content
Netflix is ​​available in over 190 countries.
With its global expansion, Netflix is ​​now accessible to millions of subscribers worldwide, offering a wide range of international content.
Netflix has over 200 million subscribers.
As of 2021, Netflix boasts an impressive subscriber base of over 200 million users, making it one of the most popular streaming platforms globally.