The number 14643 has been shared on TikTok and WhatsApp for some time now. It is sent to friends, relatives and few of them know what it means.
It is important to note that this is not about anything bad, rather it has a very positive message. As explained in numerous videos on TikTok, there is a message of love behind it.That is, behind these numbers there is a beautiful message: “I will always love you”, or:
1 = I
4 = will
6 = always
4 = love
3 = you
With the help of various numerical codes, young people recently simplify communication on social networks.
Users often like to use secret number combinations to send messages. Codes appear directly in the video or as a comment. It also refers to the sequence number 14643.
If you receive a message with the number sequence 14643, at least now you know that someone loves you.