0 2 min 11 mths

With technological developments, Internet access is now an inseparable part of our lives, since a large part of people have it integrated at work.

While we can’t erase all traces online, we can erase most personal information from the web as well as from social media apps, Telegraph reports.

Under normal conditions, the first thing you should do is delete all your social media accounts.The best way to find out what information about yourself is accessible is to Google yourself.

When you search for your name on Google, put it in quotes to see only results that apply to your name. Keep a list of all the websites on which your name appears.

In one case, you can also contact Google to delete your information from its search engine.

To hide all your online traces, delete all your social media accounts. While it will be difficult to remember all the accounts you’ve created over the years, deleting the accounts you remember is a good start.

Don’t forget to also delete your websites or even blogs if you’ve created one.

In case, you cannot manage, then you can always consult a professional who can help you in this direction.


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