Touted by the media as “Nostradamus in life”, Brazilian Athos Salomé says that in the near future people, or their machines, will gain the ability to communicate with those who have passed away.
According to him, regardless of whether it is positive or negative, Artificial Intelligence will be able to contact the dead.
Salomé is claimed to have predicted the coronavirus, the death of the Queen of England and the acquisition of the Twitter network by Elon Musk, while she now claims that the advancement of computer intelligence will cross the line between the living and the dead.
He says that artificial intelligence (AI) offers a new journey for humanity.
The Brazilian added to the ‘Daily Star’ network: “It could have seemed like a fantasy a few years ago, while now what is considered supernatural is becoming a part of ordinary life.”
“This advanced technology can cause people trauma and challenges but also help them overcome them by understanding deep spiritual ideas or the purpose of life and existence.”
Athos, however, warns that we may not be ready for the answers we will receive from the middle world beyond our understanding.
However, according to him, we can find “peace and understanding after achieving a deeper connection with the universe”.
Athos says we are on the brink of a spiritual revolution, before the technology kicks in full force in 2024, while secret experiments are being conducted with small groups of individuals in various locations around the world.
“These groups include individuals with superior abilities that they naturally possess. The purpose of secret testing is to investigate whether existence is based solely on the events of a person or is an energy that continues after death.”
“In this context, Artificial Intelligence turns into more than a tool, that is, into a means of connection with the essence of the universe and possibly to give us answers about our cosmic origin”, says the famous media forecaster.
He adds that the participants of the secret tests have communicated with their loved ones “transcending the boundaries of time and space”.
During an interview with The Sun network, he admitted that he was skeptical of the technology as it will create profound challenges to what we believe we know or believe.
But during the development of the project Salomé says that he encountered experiences that changed his perspective, and that he even managed to contact well-known figures through technology, such as the German magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, or the famous French mathematician René Descartes .
“These events strengthen my faith in the project and have expanded my understanding and conviction about the connection between science, spirituality and history.”
“We are on the verge of opening ‘Pandora’s Box’ and this will change our strongest beliefs, are you ready for this?” he asks.