Compared to the devil, angels are more trusted in America.
Angels even get more faith than hell. More than astrology, reincarnation and the belief that physical things can have spiritual energy.
In fact, about seven in 10 American adults say they believe in angels, according to a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
“People yearn for something bigger than themselves, beyond their understanding,” said Jack Grogger, a Southern California firefighter who has helped many people through their worst moments.
This search for something greater, he said, can take many forms, from following a religion to creating a self-directed purpose to believing, of course, in angels.
Americans’ belief in angels (69%) is about equal to belief in heaven and the power of prayer, but best is belief in God or a higher power (79%). Fewer American adults believe in the devil or Satan (56%), astrology (34%), reincarnation (34%), and that physical things can have spiritual energy, such as plants, rivers, or crystals (42%).
The widespread acceptance is what fascinates San Francisco-based magician and author Devin Hunter: Angels appear independently in various religions and traditions, making them part of the fabric that unites humanity.